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Omnia B2B

Things to know about Omnia B2B Platform


1) The data we will gather on the site will comply with all international requirements for privacy protection. Storage of transaction documents will have two parts: the storage of the document files themselves, and the blockchain database that tracks those documents. The files will be stored on local servers where free zones are based. The blockchain database will be stored across nodes that will be located with the partner free zones. This will ensure adequate redundancy for robustness and relevant storage for access.


2) Most B2B platforms either focus on a region or an industry, sometimes both. Omnia has a global presence and focus. Most B2B platforms also offer vetting of members as an option, with no clarity on the third-parties that perform the vetting. Omnia is only for vetted members, onboarded through their free zone authority. This makes it the most secure, transparent platform available.


3) In the current pilot phase of Omnia, free zones can contact the World FZO and become partners immediately while the platform is being built. Until the site goes live in the summer of 2024, we will liaise with partner free zones to onboard their companies in bulk, using the registration details of these companies for the primary Omnia user profiles. Once the site goes live, all these companies and partner free zones will be immediately active as vetted members and will be able to start interacting.


4) Each partner free zone will receive an annual commission for every company in their free zone that subscribes to premium status. The World FZO will not charge users commissions on the volume of their transactions.


5) We focused on solving the documentation workflow problem because we could provide a solution that fits almost all product and service transactions. This is because the document workflow is similar across sectors and transactions regardless of product or service. This is not the case for logistics. Many popular B2B platforms offer a logistics solution as a one-site-fits-all process, mostly through one or two partners they chose. We believe it is better to let users choose the most suitable logistics solutions for their transactions. This is why we don't offer a logistics solution in this early stage. Based on user feedback, we may include such a solution later down the line.


6) Vendor rating will be a five star system that each member of a transaction will use to rate the opposite party after each transaction. The cumulative score will be visible to users as part of each user profile. Text reviews will also be available to complement the star system.


7) Detailed search tools will allow users to find business partners easily and quickly. RFPs and RFQs will be easy to circulate to a filtered target audience. The P2P messaging system will allow you to liaise with users that fit your criteria and begin a discussion before you enter into a transaction agreement.


8) A free account will let you send RFPs and RFQs, browse the site, and access basic information for other users. Most of the other main features will only be accessible with a paid, premium subscription. However, a trial period will allow users to test the features before they commit fully to the premium option.


9) Omnia is a multi-vendor marketplace. It is focused on connecting customers and vendors together to perform transactions. It is not designed to connect investors with companies seeking funding since this activity has different rules, regulations, and constraints.


10) Each region will only be limited by its own resources when accessing Omnia. Since the mobile version of the site will have full features accessible, we don't anticipate many users having any difficulties using the site's many features. Aside from some online banking restrictions in place in some countries, we foresee a fluid and reliable experience for our users worldwide.


11) We are in the early stage of building the site. Once live, the site will offer video demonstrations of how a transaction takes place. To properly test a transaction, users will need to use their trial period on a premium subscription to go through the proper steps.


12) Explanatory videos will be made available once we are closer to the site going live. Indeed, such videos can only be produced once final user interface and user experience designs are locked.


13) By joining the pilot phase right away, you can ensure the all your member companies will be onboarded successfully and will appear in search results as soon as the site goes live in the summer of 2024.


14) Our current plan is to offer a centralised email support in English to premium users for up to 6 days a week, about 20 hours a day. This will be expanded as demand grows, eventually including phone support if enough demand exists.


15) World FZO members are automatically validated as free zone users on Omnia and can opt in as Omnia partners immediately. Free zones that are not yet World FZO members will need to go through the same vetting process as candidate members and will then be able to become Omnia partners too. Official papers may need to be translated in some cases. Omnia will initially be available in English, with more languages added based on user feedback and demand.


16) World FZO will provide detailed marketing materials for free zones to use to engage their tenant companies. This will ensure that as many of them choose to access premium tools to enhance their business transactions and generate business for the themselves and their host free zone.


17) The Omnia rating system is built to generate trust and transparency between users. By giving positive ratings to products/services and to vendors, users demonstrate their satisfaction after each transaction and allow vendors to build solid reputation to generate more business volume through the Omnia marketplace.


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